Παρασκευή 13 Απριλίου 2012


I remember my early days of pain,right after my break up with “i”.
Paul armstrong,a great friend at the time,has just bought a tone of pot and was eager enough to help me wash the pain away.
Paul studied philosophy and looked things with a rather amusing perspective.
Now that i think about it,this conversation might have just gotten me where i am today.it’s the little things,they say,you never forget.
-love is such a big crap.it’s just another devise,like religions,sports or rock n roll
You gotta get a hold of your self man.
You don’t need her.
Now give me another zip.
The dorm laid silent for a while.the two students looked each other intesively.temperature got high.a burning mixed cigarette was the only thing moving inside the dark room that smelled teenage wasteland all over the place.
“-man,cool it off.”
But i wasn’t cool no more.
“-”i” isnt like that.she cares.
Im the one who fucked it up.i love her and she loves me.”
I could hear myself lie.
It’s always weird.
In addition,i was a bit stoned,so i wondered how i would look if my nose got bigger,like pinokio.
“so,please let’s think something.im fucked up as it is.dont make it worse.”
Truth always hurts.
I hope he sooths me up.
“-man,just don’t serve the servants,that’s all im saying.maybe youre too good for her.never underestimate yourself, man.
Love and affairs and all that shit are so old-fashioned.”
The lighter was proved useful one more.
I got the cigarette and smoked as much as i could.
Felt like a real bad-ass.
-what the fuck are you saying,man?
“-look,it’s that simple.men gotta fuck in order to remain healthy and balanced.statistics say that,not me.”
Paul laughs and looks me right in the eyes.im thinking i must seem weird.
I feel bad about myself.paul slaps me friendly and says:
“you have a –so called- serious relationship.a relationship that is supposed to make you mature,a grown up and a steady person.yet,i fuck more than you,i never worry about any redhaired chicks and i don’t stay up at nights wondering where she is.and you know the worst part:it happens to everyone.everyman has to face this.
You know why?Cause men are vulnerable and chicks know that and then,my dear friend,they step on you.
But ,they only like you when you look self-confident and strong.”
“-but that doesn’t make any sense.”,i tell him and lie once more.
-and your precious little “i” is now in,what i call,the “duffy duck theory”.”
A questionmark is drawn into my face.
“-charm,my friend,is a wonderful gift,that all women possess.
You my friend are the gay bunny.
”i”is the duck in this little looney tunes production of ours.
And when “daffy duck”, children’s favorite duck hero ,
Overcomes the stupid bunny and becomes “the new kid on the block”,
He simply”-now he’s shouting-“doesn’t know what to do.
He’s always been trying to get there
And now he’s confused.it looks high for the first time and he likes it.
Like a real lady.
Who just wants to get laid a lot and earn some respect from all guys to prove she is not afraid of real life.
But also beautiful,strong and extremely charming,when it comes to a woman with nice tits and not a black fictional duck.
Perfect theory man.
Never fails.
Once the chick is the new “bugs”,she’s gone.
And elmer-fucking-fad is gonna shoot you,in the face,
In cold blood.
So forget about her.
Now and forever.cause love is crap.”
He smiles with confidence.
I cant refuse a backsmile.
We end up laughing.
“i” is gone.
So,it begins.

Hurts a lot now that i think of.

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